Roxborough Skate Park Completed!

Roxborough Skate Park is now finished! This park features a “Roman” style pool and a flow bowl all complete with pool block. There is a nice street/flow course complete with…

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New Smyrna Beach Skate Park Ground Breaking

New Smyrna Beach, FL is one step closer to having a Team Pain concrete park! The NSB skate park Ground Breaking ceremony took place last Thursday (August 7th) and had…

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Roxborough Skate Park

With the bowls complete and the street course not far behind, Roxborough Skate Park will be finished before we know it so keep checking back for more photos and news!…

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Roxborough Skate Park

Roxborough skate park is rapidly moving forward. With the Roman pool complete and combo bowl taking shape along with the street course this Skate Park is sure to put Roxborough…

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