Big Arvada Update 10/27/11

Arvada, Colorado Skatepark is almost ready! We can't believe this 6 month monster project is nearing completion. Big Arvada is going to be one of the biggest parks we've ever…

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Big Arvada Update 10/27/11

Arvada, Colorado looks gnarlier every day! With large portions of the street section being completed, granite hubbas, rails being put into place, and flats being poured, this park will be…

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Big Arvada Update 10/19/11

More 'crete poured at Arvada, Colorado skatepark this past week. The specialty eggshell piece gets added to the "finished" check list. As always, check our facebook page for even more…

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Big Arvada Update 10/6/11

Here are some fresh photos from the Arvada, Colorado job site! This park keeps looking more amazing so peep these photos on the headway the crew is making with the…

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