Surf Expo 2013

Hard to believe it's already been a whole month but this is still fresh in our minds! From dogs that can skateboard to girls in bikinis, January’s Surf Expo 2013 had it…

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Midtown’s new Mini ramp.

Here is a look at Team Pain built Midtown Skatepark.  This is Midtown's newest edition and although there have been numerous videos featuring the new mini ramp there havent been…

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The Wall Street Journal: The Architect of Awesome Ripping.

Give the article a read and also check out the video underneath the article.  The on line article also has a tab for comments... So, let the world know how…

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Heard of the Wall Street Journal?

This Saturday and Sunday the Wall Street Journal, the United States largest news paper, will be releasing a new issue.  Inside you will find a piece on Team Pain Skateparks…

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